Webinars and Bulletins for COVID19-Specific Updates

for PATH Intl. Centers, Individual Members, Certified Professionals & Friends

The PATH Intl. Board of Trustees and Staff wish everyone strength during these uncharted times. We are operating in a business-as-usual manner, while acknowledging this time is anything but usual, and we're looking for ways to provide continuity while simultaneously adapting to do what we can for our members. 

The association recognizes the abundance of information everyone is receiving. We have therefore created this page that will only communicate concepts necessary to help us all navigate the current situation. 

Webinar: Engaging Center Volunteers as COVID-19 Restrictions Ease

Webinar Recording

Resources for Volunteer Managers and Everyone!
Hearts & Horses Volunteer Acknowledgement of Risk  
Hearts & Horses Policies and Procedures - Volunteer 


Webinar: Resuming Services Strategically and Safely: Approaching the Future With Mindful Intention

Webinar Recording

SAMPLE JoyRide Risk Benefit Assessment
SAMPLE JoyRide Infection Control Outdoor Sessions
SAMPLE Participant COVID-19 Survey
SAMPLE Volunteer COVID-19 Survey
Reimagining Your Fundraising in a COVID Environment

Precautions for Re-opening a Center 

Hearts & Horses Participant Acknowledgement of Risk
Hearts & Horses Policies and Procedures Rider Final
JF Shea Center Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan MAY 21, 2020

COVID-19 Support Resources -- An ongoing list of resources for PATH Intl. members and centers to consult when mapping out plans and procedures to recommence EAAT services as the COVID-19 virus subsides.


Webinar: How to Successfully Deliver Virtual Services - 1.5 CR CEUs

Webinar recording

Virtual Veteran Programming
Virtual Lessons Programming and Online Learning
Tools and Links Used by BraveHearts
Telehealth for OT, PT, SLP
Resources to create online programming

Town Hall Webinar on COVID-19 Impact - 1.5 CEUs

COVID-19 Impact: Navigating the Present and Planning for the Future for Your Center and Participants

Webinar recording
PowerPoint presentation

Webinar supporting documents

Loans Available for Nonprofits in the CARES Act
COVID-19 Emergency Campaign Fundraising Guidebook
Sample Tele-Health/Tele-Wellness Procedures
Sample Tele-Health Release Form with eSignature
Sample Telehealth Occupational/Physical Therapy Candidacy Checklist

Dana Butler-Moburg presents tools to help navigate these challenging times and maintain therapeutic horsemanship programs. The presentation focuses on five areas: rethinking programming, donor relations, staff care, horse care and communication. Kathy Alm, PATH Intl. CEO, provides opening industry comments. 

Resource List

Click HERE for a list of resources to help you, your families, your businesses and your communities during this time and beyond. Additions will be made to this list as more information and resources become available.

Evolving Response Recommendations for COVID19

COVID-19 Bulltin - 06/12/20
Wash Station Concept 

COVID-19 Bulletin - 05/29/20

SuMMit Centre Re-Opening Template 

PATH Intl. Resuming Services Suggestions

Community FAQs: Pediatric COVID-19 and CPR

COVID-19 Bulletin - 05/15/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 05/08/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 05/01/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 04/21/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 04/15/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 04/08/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - Town Hall supporting links

COVID-19 Bulletin - 04/01/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 03/30/20

CEO Update: March 30, 2020 - Federal Corona Virus Relief Bills: What Do They Mean for Nonprofits and Small Businesses?

COVID-19 Bulletin - 03/28/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 03/26/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 03/25/20

COVID-19 Bulletin - 03/20/20

03/16/20 In this communication, we listed ways to take preventative action regarding COVID19. As the situation has continued to evolve, social distancing, school closures and event cancellations have become the norm. What should you do? Click here

Office closure 

Body Condition Scoring: Keeping Your Horse Healthy One Number at a Time

By Christine Rudd, MSc, CTRI

“What’s his body condition?” your vet asks you over the phone.

“He’s a little on the skinny side, but not too bad,” you answer.

What does “a little on the skinny side” mean? What does chubby, fit, or fat look like? The simplest and least satisfying answer is, it depends on who you ask. To a racehorse trainer a champion hunter might look fat, while a western pleasure competitor might think event horses are too skinny. However, for each horse’s job and body type, they might be healthy and fit.

To avoid subjective descriptions of equine body condition, an objective and standardized body scoring system is necessary. This system is not only for veterinarians and owners to accurately describe a horse, but also to enable law enforcement professionals to describe animals encountered on welfare calls, and equine industry professionals from diverse backgrounds to describe a horse’s physique in a common language.

Body scoring systems rank a horse’s condition on a numeric scale, with each score directly connected to a rigid set of observable and palpable characteristics. These characteristics are descriptions of fat and muscle cover over key body areas (Shuffitt & TenBroeck, 2003).

equine tip body conditioning horseThere have been two main body scoring systems used in the horse industry: the Leighton-Hardman model developed in 1980 that ranked horses’ condition on a scale of 0-5, and the Henneke Body Condition Score (BCS), used more commonly today, that ranks a horse’s condition on a scale of 1-9. On both scales, the lowest number is reserved for the severely emaciated horse, the horse’s condition improves through the middle of the scale, then tips toward obesity as the higher scores are reached.

The more commonly used model, the Henneke Body Condition Score, was developed by Don Henneke, PhD. The Henneke scoring system is accepted in courts of law as a fair and objective system to score horses recovered in welfare and cruelty cases. It is based on six major points on the horse’s body where fat can be both observed and palpated: the neck, shoulder, withers, ribs, loin, and tailhead, and is applicable across all breeds and disciplines.


Body Condition Scoring EWC 2

When determining the body score of a horse, it is important to not only look at the horse, but also to firmly run your hand over these key areas to feel the amount of fat and muscle cover. This gives you the opportunity to feel how much flesh there is between the skin and the ribs, how much of that fluff is hair and how much is fat, or to feel the lack of fat and muscle under a thick and concealing coat.

While this body scoring system is uniform across breeds and disciplines, there are a few exceptions to be aware of. These exceptions come mainly in the conformational differences between breeds, which can make certain criteria difficult to apply to each animal, so breed characteristics (such as differences in wither structure and prominence) should be taken into account when assessing body condition score. In pregnant mares, an emphasis is put on musculature and fat behind the shoulder, around the tailhead, and over the neck and withers, since the weight of the fetus can pull the skin taut over the back and ribs (Henneke et al., 1983).

Knowing your horse’s BCS is not only important so you can accurately communicate about your horse, but also so you can ensure your horse’s good health. A low body score can be indicative of a number of factors, such as nutritional requirements not being met, dental disease, parasite load, or sickness. On the other end of the scale, a higher body score can indicate certain diseases, be a causal factor of laminitis, as well as the health problems that come with excess amounts of body fat such as Equine Metabolic Syndrome and increased stress on joints and soft tissue (Shuffitt & TenBroeck, 2003; Jackson 2007). In growing horses, recognizing the signs of under- or over-nutrition can prevent or offset the health risks associated with said conditions (Staniar, 2004).

By using a standardized BCS to routinely evaluate your horse, you are taking the guess work out of home health maintenance. There is no “maybe” when it comes to whether your horse is over- or underweight, whether that divot over your horse’s spine is healthy (it’s not), or if your feeding program is adequately addressing your horse’s energy needs. It gives you a concrete tool to know when to call the vet or nutritionist based on changes in your horse’s body and you’ll be able to appropriately define and describe that change. As you practice your critical observation skills, the rosy veil of adoration that hides our horses’ less than healthy imperfections begins to lift, and we will become better owners and managers who can effectively advocate for and initiate feeding and exercise programs that will keep our horses in a healthy body condition. Being familiar with the Henneke BCS and regularly practicing it empowers you to understand and identify the good, the bad, and the ugly of equine body conditions, and with the help of your vet or other equine service provider, you can bring your horse back to that ideal 5.

For more information on body condition scoring, please reference the studies provided in the References section below.


Henneke, D. R., Potter, G. D., Kreider, J. L., & Yeates, B. F. (1983). Relationship between condition score, physical measurements and body fat percentage in mares. Equine veterinary journal15(4), 371-372.

Jackson, C. (2007). University researchers lead pioneering study in equine obesity.

Leighton-Hardman, A.C. 1980. Appendix 3. Weight estimation tables. Pages 106-107. In: Equine Nutrition. Pelham Books, London.

Shuffitt, J. M., & TenBroeck, S. H. 2003. Body Condition Scoring of Horses.

Staniar, W. B. (2004, March). Understanding Equine Growth. In CONFERENCE SPONSORS (p. 180).

Horse-Human Interactions and Equine Welfare in EAAT: Aligning Our Practices With Our Goals

PATH Intl. Equine Welfare Committee Guest Tip from Emily Kieson, PhD candidate at Oklahoma State University

The world of equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT) is saturated with activities and horse-human interactions based almost exclusively on the historical use of horses for work and equitation. The same routines of haltering, grooming, riding, leading and lungeing that have been used for years in equitation have been adapted by the EAAT world to serve new purposes, and professionals in EAAT consider the horse a partner. These interactions, useful for training and schooling our horses for use in work and pleasure, may not, however, be in line with the goals of therapy. (Editor’s note: PATH Intl. Certified Professionals do not practice therapy but rather equine-assisted activities. Those participants in need of therapy are served by licensed physical and occupational therapists, speech/language pathologists and mental health professionals.) Researchers are learning more about how domestic horses communicate with each other and us, which can lead to improvements in equine welfare through better understanding of equine-human interactions and what it means for the psychological welfare of the horse. This means that, if we want to improve client-horse relationships and model good horse-human relationships for our participants, we may need to make different choices with regards to how we handle or interact with our equine partners.

As humans, we explore the world through our hands and express emotional connection through touch [1], [2], words and sharing of food [3]–[5], whereas emerging research shows that horses create bonds through proximity [6], time and mutual engagement rather than touch or pressure. Based on recent (unpublished) studies, horses engage in social connection with other horses through close proximity and a sharing of quiet space repeatedly over time. Instead, they stand quietly near their favorite partner and share mutual space while resting or grazing. Perhaps even more importantly, the relationships they build with one another are based not only on predictably safe interactions, but also mutual exploration and partnership in problem solving. Once a safe space has been established between two horses, they will begin moving and exploring together. Everything is mutual with no single leader or follower and even touch is always simultaneously reciprocated. One may demonstrate more confidence than the other, but there is no pushing or pulling to force engagement of the partner, just an invitation to join in curiosity and exploration. The joint involvement in uncertain environments is what makes horses build better relationships.

The same is true for humans, too. We build safe environments with each other over time in order to build trust and, once that trust is established, a relationship is strengthened by small challenges and uncertainties that are explored as a team [7]–[10] . These concepts have been supported by scientists who study marriage, families, friendships and work partnerships and have been studied in a wide range of species. It appears these same concepts apply to horses as well.

So how do we incorporate this into EAAT and what does this mean for welfare? Traditional equitation relies almost exclusively upon negative reinforcement (pressure and release) [11]–[13] which, when properly used, can adequately train a horse to engage in a behavior of our choosing. This use of small aversive tactics, however, does not align with how either species builds relationships. If we are hoping to work with horses in a way that both encourages and models balanced partnerships, perhaps we need to incorporate other types of interactions into our EAAT programs. This may mean, then, that we do not always ride or halter a horse and that the horse may have a choice to not engage with the participant. This may require us to set different expectations for participants and parents and help them understand why we are encouraging at-liberty work and what that means for building mutual communication and engagement for both horse and human. Horses have amazing memories and build unique relationships with each individual human that can build and develop over time. If we give our horses the choice of engaging with clients in a way that better aligns with their natural behavior, perhaps we can improve the welfare of our equine partners while simultaneously finding even better ways to build confidence, communication and emotional strength in our clients.

[1]         R. I. M. Dunbar, “The social role of touch in humans and primates: Behavioural function and neurobiological mechanisms,” Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 260–268, 2010.

[2]         A. V. Jaeggi, E. De Groot, J. M. G. Stevens, and C. P. Van Schaik, “Mechanisms of reciprocity in primates: Testing for short-term contingency of grooming and food sharing in bonobos and chimpanzees,” Evol. Hum. Behav., 2013.

[3]         J. Koh and P. Pliner, “The effects of degree of acquaintance, plate size, and sharing food intake,” Appetite, no. 52, pp. 595–602, 2009.

[4]         A. N. Crittenden and D. A. Zes, “Food Sharing among Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Children,” PLoS One, vol. 10, no. 7, 2015.

[5]         J. M. Koster and G. Leckie, “Food sharing networks in lowland Nicaragua: An application of the social relations model to count data,” Soc. Networks, 2014.

[6]         M. C. Van Dierendonck, H. Sigurjónsdóttir, B. Colenbrander, and a. G. Thorhallsdóttir, “Differences in social behaviour between late pregnant, post-partum and barren mares in a herd of Icelandic horses,” Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., vol. 89, pp. 283–297, 2004.

[7]         J. K. Rempel, J. G. Holmes, and M. P. Zanna, “Trust in Close Relationships,” J. Pers. Soc. Psychol., vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 95–112, 1985.

[8]         B. Vollan, “The difference between kinship and friendship: (Field-) experimental evidence on trust and punishment,” J. Socio. Econ., vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 14–25, 2011.

[9]         R. J. Lewicki and B. B. Bunker, “Developing and Maintaining Trust in Work Relationships,” Trust Organ. Front. Theory Res., no. October, pp. 114–139, 2015.

[10]      R. J. Lewicki and R. J. Bies, “Trust and Distrust : New Relationships and Realities,” vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 438–458, 2018.

[11]      J. Murphy and S. Arkins, “Equine learning behaviour.,” Behav. Processes, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 1–13, Sep. 2007.

[12]      P. D. McGreevy and A. N. McLean, “Punishment in horse-training and the concept of ethical equitation,” J. Vet. Behav. Clin. Appl. Res., vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 193–197, Sep. 2009.

[13]      A. N. McLean and J. W. Christensen, “The application of learning theory in horse training,” Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., vol. 190, 2017.

Additional Resources:

J.M. Gottman, The Science of Trust: Emotional Attunement for Couples. New York City: W. W. Norton & Company. 2011

Feltman, The Thin Book of Trust. Bend, OR: Thin Book Publishing, 2008.

Rees, Horses in Company. London: J A Allen & Co Ltd. 2017

McGreevy, Equine Behavior: A Guide for Veterinarians and Equine Specialists 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2012.

McGreevy, A. McLean, Equitation Science. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010

About the author: Emily Kieson is a PhD candidate at Oklahoma State University in comparative psychology studying equine behavioral psychology and equine-human interactions. She has a M.S. in Psychology, a graduate degree in Equine Science, is certified and practices as an Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning through PATH, and is certified as an Equine Specialist in a number of other EAP models. She has spent the last 20 years working full time in the horse industry and has focused the last 10 years on equine-assisted therapies. Emily, along with her colleagues at MiMer Centre, a Swedish non-profit, are helping to develop a research and education center at OSU with a focus on animal-human interactions and animal welfare.

The Basic Behaviors Profile: An Objective Way to Assess Program Horses

By Christie Schulte Kappert
Program Director, The Right Horse Initiative, a program of the ASPCA
PATH Intl. Equine Welfare Committee Member

Bringing a new horse into your program is an exciting time—a time that can also be stressful, uncertain or disappointing. You have high expectations for your horses, and so do your participants. No matter how well you know a horse, they’re still individuals and can all react differently to the demands of their new job.

Have you ever had a conversation with another horse person who tried to describe a horse that’s “well-trained” or “broke”? Or, had someone assure you—with the best of intentions—that a horse is good to handle and then try to carry out a simple task like picking up a hind leg, loading in a trailer, or catching in a pasture, and come to a different conclusion about that assurance? 

One way to objectively and consistently evaluate potential new program horses, whether from a purchase, donation, adoption, or other source, is by using the Basic Behaviors Profile, developed by The Right Horse Initiative.  

The Basic Behaviors Profile (BBP) is a tool for adoption organizations, trainers and horse owners that describes 14 common interactions between horses and humans on the ground. These are typical skills that owners expect a horse to have such as catching, haltering, leading and tying. It was developed by behaviorists, veterinarians and trainers and tested for reliability and validity. While the BBP was originally created with equine adoption centers in mind, it has powerful applications for PATH Intl. centers and instructors. It provides objectivity and consistency when different instructors, equine managers or volunteers may be involved in horse selection, training and management.

What does it do?

  • The BBP provides a clear picture of a horse’s training level at 14 basic ground handling skills.
  • It helps standardize and streamline the search and match process for programs, adopters and adoption organizations.
  • When adoption organizations or horse sellers provide it to potential new owners, it inspires trust and transparency in the process.
  • It provides trainers a starting point from which to develop a training program for each horse assessed. 

What does it NOT do?

  • It is not a pass/fail assessment. Horses who don’t complete many items may still be the Right Horse for an experienced adopter.
  • It does not assess under saddle skills, or specific skills in therapeutic riding or other equine-assisted therapies. 
  • The BBP does not prescribe training techniques. There are many humane and compassionate training styles that can successfully teach the assessed skills and behaviors.
  • It does not predict a horse’s future ability or trainability; or what activities it is suited for.
  • It is not a complete description of a horse. It is simply one piece of the evaluation and matching process.

How does it work?

  • The BBP is a simple assessment that can be carried out by anyone with basic horse handling knowledge. It will take two to three people about 15 minutes to complete. 
  • An observer will instruct a horse handler through the 14 items, marking “complete” or “incomplete” for each. 

Once complete, the results can help inform your decision on whether this is the right horse for your program. 

In addition to assessing horses you’re considering adding to your program, there are several ways the BBP could come in handy. Try it out on horses who exhibit behavioral changes, perhaps acting up for volunteers where there previously weren’t issues. Keep a dated copy of the BBP results in each horse’s file and re-assess them at regular time intervals to note any changes in behavior, determine if they need refresher training, or simply a break to prevent burnout. Retiring a horse out of the program? Sharing the horse’s BBP results with potential new homes shows transparency and inspires confidence that he’s a good citizen to have around. I’ve even assessed my own personal horses and found a few holes that I didn’t expect—skills that I’d want to be sure they have if they ever go to a new home!

I had the privilege of being part of the 2019 PATH International Conference and leading a pre-conference workshop at the Harmony Equine Center in Franktown, Colorado. The Harmony trainers and I carried out the BBP assessment on two adoptable horses and had a robust discussion with attendees about how they responded. The feedback I heard from conference attendees showed me how important behavior and training is to make sure you get the right horses in your barn, and that they’re happy in their jobs. 

If you’re interested in trying the BBP out for yourself, visit https://therighthorse.org/basic-behaviors-profile/ for the download and instructional videos. And be sure to check out www.myrighthorse.org to view adoptable horses and their Basic Behaviors Profile results, like handsome, adoptable Cowboy.

Tips for Feeding the Senior PATH Intl. Horse

By Jessica Normand, PATH Intl. Equine Welfare Committee Member

Modern horses tend to live long lives, thanks to advancing veterinary medicine and improved management. This means those of us caring for aging horses need to understand how to best meet their nutritional needs. While there isn’t a specific age that horses are considered “senior”, 15 is generally a good benchmark for when the horse’s health and nutritional needs may start to change. Of course, it’s imperative to work with your veterinarian to monitor each horse’s body condition, digestive health, immunity, and overall wellness as they age.

What happens in the aging horse?
You may notice senior horses in your care have a reduced body condition score (weight loss), loss of muscle tone including a sway back, dental changes, and a decreased ability to maintain the same workload as they could in their younger days. Older horses may also start to experience less effective digestive function, loss of bone density, a less robust immune system, less resilient connective tissue, and reduced cardiopulmonary function.

Feeding the Older Horse
Work with your veterinarian to monitor body condition and dental health carefully. Aging horses may have a harder time maintaining healthy fat cover and muscle tone as their digestive tracts become less efficient, and of course dental disease adds to this challenge. All horses need 1-2% of their body weight from forage, so you may have to adjust the sources of roughage provided to senior horses in your care, to accommodate their changing dental needs. Some options include complete feeds, which are formulated with a significant portion of fiber, as well as chopped forage, cubed forage, or soaked beet pulp. For senior horses not being fed a full serving of a fortified or complete feed, consider a balanced vitamin/mineral supplement to make sure their basic nutrient requirements are being met.

Aging equine digestive tracts may have a harder time absorbing protein from the diet. As a result, it’s important to provide high quality protein, meaning essential amino acids, rather than just focusing on the total (crude) protein percentage. Research* has shown that supplementing with the essential amino acids lysine and threonine, specifically, improves muscle mass in aged horses. This may be an excellent strategy for senior horses who lose their topline and develop a “pot belly” appearance from the weight of their intestines, due to loss of abdominal muscle tone. There are numerous equine amino acid supplements on the market, and several are quite economical.

Supplements designed to support the function of the digestive system by providing probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes can be a great addition to the senior horse’s program. Healthy horses in their prime manufacture their own vitamin C and B vitamins, but as their bodies become less efficient in these functions, supplementing with these vitamins may also be warranted. Additional antioxidants like vitamin E, as well as adaptogens and other herbs meant to support the immune system can be great additions to the senior horse’s program as well.

For senior horses that need help maintaining weight overall (not just lean muscle) consider adding more fat to the diet. Because fat is the most concentrated source of calories, it’s the most efficient way to help any horse gain weight. It’s also a “cool” burning energy source (won’t make horses excitable) and healthier than increasing calories from a grain that’s high in sugars and starches – especially for senior horses also being managed for endocrine/metabolic conditions. It may make sense to choose a commercial feed with a higher crude fat percentage, and/or to add healthy oil or a fat supplement to the diet. The ideal fat supplement comes from healthy fat sources such as flax seed, chia seed, or fish oil, which are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Avoid corn oil, which is high in inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids. Fat must be introduced slowly to avoid loose stool (of course, it’s good practice to make ALL feed changes slowly to reduce the risk of digestive upset).

Because arthritis is an extremely common aspect of aging, also work with your veterinarian to help keep your older horses comfortable. Besides plenty of turnout (to limit stiffness) and a consistent exercise program if possible, prescription medication and/or oral joint supplements can make a big impact on senior horses’ comfort level and quality of life.

In addition to dietary considerations, there are numerous other aspects of management that need to be adjusted as senior horses age. The following article from the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) provides an excellent summary: https://aaep.org/horsehealth/older-horse-special-care-nutrition

Lastly, preventive care becomes even more important as horses age, so work closely with your veterinarian. Having a comprehensive physical exam performed twice per year instead of annually is an excellent idea to help you stay on top of the changing needs of the senior horses in your care.

*Graham-Thiers PM, Kronfeld, DS. Amino acid supplementation improves muscle mass in aged and young horses. J Anim Sci. 2005 Dec;83(12):2783-8.



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