Industry Links

Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) publishes a twice-monthly newsletter, educational materials and a quarterly magazine called PATH Intl. Strides (formerly NARHA Strides). From these publications, we offer a variety of helpful articles written by industry experts. In this section, learn more about:


Industry Links

AHAlogo-smAmerican Hippotherapy Association - promotes the use of the movement of the horse as a treatment strategy in physical, occupational and speech-language therapy sessions for people living with disabilities

HandH_smHorses & Humans Research Foundation - facilitates universal understanding and appreciation of the significant influence of horses on humans.


Equine Land Conservation Resource - The Equine Land conservation Resource works with individuals, equestrian and conservation organizations and equine-based corporations to save land for horses and preserve our industry and way of life.

UnwantedHorse_smUnwanted Horse Coalition - to reduce the number of unwanted horses and to improve their welfare through education and the efforts of organizations committed to the health, safety, and responsible care and disposition of these horses.


HETIHETI (formerly known as the Federation of Riding for the Disabled International) is a global organization that forms worldwide links between countries, centers and individuals offering equine facilitated activities and assists in the development of new programs worldwide. works closely with award-winning equine magazines to deliver the content horse owners care about: tips on riding and training, authoritative information on horse care, the latest horse sports and industry news, plus sweepstakes and active online forums.

chaCertified Horsemanship Association - To promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of the entire horse industry. This is accomplished by certifying instructors, accrediting equine facilities and publishing educational resources. dsicover_horses_logo  introduces people to the wonderful world of horses and encourages them to become involved. The site is the product of a unique partnership of the Equine Network, American Quarter Horse Association, United States Equestrian Federation and the Kentucky Horse Park.





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Therapeutic RidingTherapeutic DrivingInteractive VaultingEquine Services for HeroesEFP-EFL

Additional Sponsors

AdequanEQUUS FoundationMarkel Insurance CompanyCavalloRIDE TV