What to Expect

As you pursue Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) certification at any level or in any discipline, PATH Intl. recommends reviewing the certification booklet for the appropriate discipline. These booklets will tell you step-by-step how to become a PATH Intl. certified instructor and outline all the important deadlines. (Links to the application booklets are found at the bottom of each instructor certification category, e.g. Riding, Driving, Vaulting)

PATH Intl. appreciates the commitment made when someone applies for the certification process in any area at any level.  The financial resources and the time needed to complete the educational requirements, the practical demonstrations and to build up a basic level of horsemanship skills reflect a dedication to service of some very special individuals. As a professional certification, candidates should expect to invest a significant amount of time in teaching, online courses and preparing for the certification itself.  Given the number of participants on waiting lists at PATH Intl. centers there is a need for PATH Intl. certified instructors.  The members and staff of the association support all candidates as they navigate this challenging process and wish them success.  

Keep in mind that candidates will most likely have travel costs since the association can make no guarantee as to when and where certifications will take place.  PATH Intl. centers host and manage the workshops and certifications.  It is the continuing investment of these centers in organizing the certifications that enables the industry and PATH Intl. to continue to grow its instructor ranks. Candidates should check the PATH Intl. website regularly for upcoming certifications that fit in to their schedule and should plan for travel expenses accordingly.   

The PATH Intl. office is here to support you if you should need anything throughout this process. Please feel free to give us a call.



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Therapeutic RidingTherapeutic DrivingInteractive VaultingEquine Services for HeroesEFP-EFL

Additional Sponsors

AdequanEQUUS FoundationMarkel Insurance CompanyCavalloRIDE TV