Higher Education College/University

PATH-Intl-higher-ed-logo-smPremier Accredited Center Higher Education FAQs

I want to work with our local college/university to offer classes at our center:

What is the best way to approach the college/university?

The best way for a PATH Intl. Premier Accredited Center to approach a college/uniersity is to call the program development office to find out if there is an existing program, e.g., Equine Science. Be prepared to suggest that equine programs be held at the center. The center may offer an Intro to Therapeutic Riding class targeted to the students attending the school, and this would start building a student population that may be interested in additional education. The center may also offer to attend job fairs and other venues to discuss the equine-assisted activities and therapies industry.

Who do I speak with at the college/university?

The center would speak with someone in the program department or with new program development. The school should be able to provide the center with the appropriate person to contact and their contact information.

What resources are available to help me get ready to start a program?

The PATH Intl. website has resources available explaining the PATH Intl. Higher Education Membership, application booklet and certification criteria. PATH Intl. staff can also help to connect premier accredited centers to experts in the field. Centers that choose to offer an introductory class may also discuss this option with the school. The school may be able to provide additional specialty faculty under an adjunct faculty heading.

What will be the PAC's role in working with a college/university?

Following the membership guidelines, the center would provide instruction and assist with practicum. Centers that wish to enter into a partnership with a PATH Intl. Level III Higher Education member would hold certification at their center.

What will be the time required?

The time required for the center is dependent on the program offered, an introductory course or an integrated course with the college/university. It is recommended to start slow and build the program, ensuring success for both the PAC and the college/university. Premier accredited centers can joint ogether to offer the practicum/teaching hours for students. Both the PAC and the college/university will benefit with participants who have a vested interest in the program.



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equisure headercrop

Therapeutic RidingTherapeutic DrivingInteractive VaultingEquine Services for HeroesEFP-EFL

Additional Sponsors

AdequanEQUUS FoundationMarkel Insurance CompanyCavalloRIDE TV