About PATH Intl.

Dear PATH Intl. membership,

It is with great pleasure that your 2018 PATH Intl. Credentialing Council shares its first communication to the membership regarding council tasks and accomplishments.

Since being elected to the council in September, we have accomplished several critical steps in establishing a functional council.

Our first task was to recruit and select a qualified individual for the position of public member. The National Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA) defines a public member as “A representative of the consumers of services provided by a certificant population serving as a voting member on the governing body of a certification program, with all rights and privileges, including holding office and serving on committees. The public member should bring a perspective to the decision and policy making of the organization that is different from that of the certificants and should help to balance the organization’s role in protecting the public while advancing the interests of the profession.”  With this definition in mind, we began recruitment and ultimately identified two candidates. On October 19th, by majority vote, Dr. Steven Arnold was selected as the public member.

Dr. Arnold is currently the attending physician at Middlefield Family Practice, a staff physician with Trumbull Memorial Hospital and co-medical director of Burton Health Care Center. Dr. Arnold first gained horsemanship experience through 4-H in his youth which led to participation in pleasure driving. Through his medical practice he has treated many patients with disabilities and, in doing so, has experience serving families of individuals with disabilities. He is also a United States Army and Navy veteran. Dr. Arnold has experience with test development, job task analyses as well as performance analysis of test questions and procedures which will be beneficial to council tasks related to test development. We are excited about Dr. Arnold’s vast expertise and believe he will contribute a helpful perspective to council discussions. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Arnold into the PATH Intl. organization.

Our second order of business to date was to conduct an intensive review of the requirements for the PATH Intl. Registered Therapeutic Riding Instructor Certification. During our in-person meeting in San Antonio, Professional Testing, Inc. guided us through redeveloping a framework for the certification and a code of ethics in alignment with the results of the job task analysis and the parameters set by NCCA standards. More information about the objectives for this meeting can be found on the “Trek to Accrediting the PATH Intl. Registered Therapeutic Riding Instructor Certification” webpage at https://www.pathintl.org/quick-links/accrediting-tri-certification. The majority of our discussion revolved around the prerequisite experience that would characterize qualified candidates as described by the job task analysis. Honoring the work done by past volunteer certification committees and building upon the job task analysis, several options for prerequisites were discussed at a high level. Details of the prerequisites remain to be further developed as we work towards establishing demonstrable qualifications that are accessible and universally recognized. We will dig deeper into this development during our first quarter meeting on February 8 and communicate details of our work on the prerequisites as they are finalized.

Also at the San Antonio meeting, we completed our third task of determining rolling terms for council members. The terms for the 2018 PATH Intl. Credentialing Council members:

Member Name

Role on the PICC

Voting Member?

Term Duration (years)

Term Start

Term End

Patricia McCowan

Representative at Large





John Murdoch

Certified Driving Instructor – Level 1





William Lavin

Lead Site Visitor Representative





Regan Mays

Therapeutic Riding Instructor – Registered level





Steven Arnold

Public Member





Stephanie Roeter

Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning Representative





On January 4th, we completed our fourth task: election of the officer positions of chair and vice-chair. Please join us in congratulating William Lavin and Patricia McCowan for being elected to the positions of chair and vice-chair, respectively.

Member Name

Officer Position

Term Start

Term End

Patricia McCowan




William Lavin




Bill and Pat will work with the PATH Intl. staff liaison, Bret Maceyak, to coordinate council members’ ongoing efforts.

We are pleased to bring you this report of our activities over the last 5 months. We are honored to have been elected by the PATH Intl. membership and we do not take our posts lightly. We look forward to leading the organization through the pursuit of professionalizing PATH Intl. credentials through third-party accreditation of the PATH Intl. Registered Therapeutic Riding Certification. Watch for our next communication in two weeks regarding the tasks for our first quarter meeting.


The 2018 PATH Intl. Credentialing Council

Alaska - Carrie Drury, State Chair

Happy Spring from Alaska!

Save the Date and join us for our 2018 Alaska State Conference! This networking and educational event will be held on July 21st at EKG Stables in Chugiak. Earn CEUs with Jenny Nell, a PATH master instructor, and other talent as they share their knowledge and industry expertise! Bring a friend, a volunteer, a mentee, who will benefit from this professional experience of learning to empower our riders with special needs! Make sure to join our PATH Region 9 FB page for more details coming soon!

STRIDE, Inc. Networking and New Horse

It's been an exciting winter for STRIDE Inc in the Mat-Su Valley! Lots of networking going on in anticipation of this summer's program. From the 4H Horse Symposium to presenting at the 100 Plus Women Who Care MatSu Chapter meeting, STRIDE is rubbing elbows and meeting new talent at a rapid rate!

Most exciting news is the addition of a new horse to the herd, Cherokee, pictured here just before our welcoming, get-acquainted “Tea with Cherokee” in late March.


Equine Assisted Therapy Alaska

EATA would like to thank everyone who made the Cowboy Ball so spectacular! There was dining and dancing and with everyone coming out to support EATA's event, funds were raised to help the growth of EAAT industry in Anchorage!

Various non-profit organizations gathered for the Mitzvah ('do a good deed') Mall, including EATA, and it was a joy to talk and network with representatives from each group, and purchase gifts to benefit their missions. A huge thank you to all who participated!

 Alberta/BC - Karen Tanchak, State/Provincial Chair

Message from Karen Tanchak, State/Provincial Chair for BC and Alberta

It is the middle of March and I am beginning to wonder if I am going to see the dirt in my arena by June.


My EAAT horse “Albert” is wondering when he gets to go back to work.

Many of our smaller programs do not have access to an indoor facility so we are dependent on Mother Nature being kind and allowing the warmer and dryer weather to bless us.

Many programs are preparing for the Spring Sessions beginning in April. I know we share the passion of working with our wonderful participants and I encourage all of you to take some photos and share some news in our next newsletter. Let’s raise the profile of our BC and Alberta members and introduce ourselves to our Region 9 peers.

On a more serious note: I need some assistance in creating our State/Provincial Meeting for 2018. I have only heard from one member with ideas for our meeting. Please share with me what you would like to see (demo or education opportunity) in a full day event and at what location (city or facility) and month would be best suited for you. I am hoping that one or two people will be willing to assist me with the planning. You can reach out to me at ‘This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.’.

Wishing everyone a Spring in your Step alongside your equine partners!

Idaho - Annie Mabry, State Chair

Message from Annie Mabry, Idaho State Chair

It seems that our Idaho centers stay busy all year long, with new and exciting things happening on a regular basis, so collecting news for our Region 9 Quarterly newsletter was a snap. Thanks to all of you who shared with me.

By the time this newsletter is sent, news of our Idaho State Conference/Meeting should be out and registration open. If you haven’t seen it, please contact me and I will make sure it gets to you. Our 2018 Conference will be held at Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equestrian Center in Bellevue, Idaho on Saturday, May 5th. We have an exciting array of topics and some fantastic presenters, so be sure to mark your calendar and join us!

Innovative Therapeutic Riding Program: The Incredible Horse Exhibit

Innovative Therapeutic Riding Program in Idaho Falls has the privilege of being featured in The Incredible Horse exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in Pocatello, ID, which has over 700,000 artifacts catalogued. This exhibit will be on display from January 2018 to January 2019. The exhibit has skeletons that date back 50-0.3 million years ago starting with Hyrarptherium, Mesohippus, Merychippus, Pilohippus, and Equus simplicidens ( The Hagerman Horse). The exhibit also includes examples of modern day usage of horses including ranch work, rodeo, dressage, jumping and equine facilitated activities and therapies. Interesting fact: Did you know the Pony Express was only active for 19 months?

Ride for Joy: TR and Veterans

ride for joyRide for Joy (RFJ) in Emmet, ID. Has kicked off the spring session with both our therapeutic riding and Veterans program. RFJ serves ages 4-104 years old during therapeutic riding, as well as working with the Veteran community to continue to serve and grow the Veterans program at the barn. The 2nd Ruck Up and Rebuild Veterans Retreat (R&R) takes place this May and is designed for veterans to rejuvenate, connect with other veterans and community professionals, try new and healthy activities, and learn coping skills that can be used in every day life. This three day, two night event is free to Veterans. RFJ also introduced a new program in the fall of 2017 called a “One Time Ride”. The program is for those who wonder what it would be like to ride a horse, but may not be able to commit to a full session. 2018 will be another amazing year for both two legged and four legged members of RFJ.

Ride for Joy’s wonderful Veteran’s program!

Rising Stars: Unruly Donkeys and Basketball

rising starsVolunteers from Rising Stars enjoying a rousing game of Donkey Basketball!

Rising Stars, in Twin Falls, ID. took part of one of the most unique fund raisers imagined! On Friday, March 9th Rising Stars volunteers, staff and cooperating therapists participated in the Kimberly FFA Donkey Basketball game. For those who have never played or witnessed such game, it consists of riding gentle but unruly Donkeys up and down an indoor basketball court as you pass the ball, or in some cases curl your body around the ball as your donkey makes it’s way down the court toward the hoop. As in basketball the idea is to score the most points but it is complicated by numerous unknowns along the way. The donkey might duck its head as you lean forward to catch a pass leaving you hovering in mid air befofe crashing to the floor or you might be drug off your trusty steed by an opposing player as they latch onto the ball in attempt to steal it. Some things are for sure; your donkey won’t go where you tell it to with the reins, your donkey won’t go the speed you want it to, and when you jump off the donkey to chase a loose ball he won’t follow behind as you lead him toward the ball. The list goes on and on and the possibility of coming away with several bumps and bruises is likely even for the best of “cowboys”. However, at the end of the night after coming in 2nd in a sudden death overtime championship game all of the Rising Stars players said they would do it again in a heartbeat!

Rising Stars is working hard to get things in order to open for the summer session in their new facility the beginning of June!



running w ranchRunning W Ranch Therapeutic Riding Program: Boaz, Mustangs, Veterans and Seniors

Tracy and Boaz the Mustang

Running W Ranch Therapeutic Riding Program is booming! They have started a new Veterans program, which they are purposely starting slowly as they work hard to get the word out and begin networking with other organizations. Head instructor and Founder, Cyndie Wiltsie, is taking the PATH online Veteran’s course in April to further advance her skills in working with this special population. In April they will be headed to the BLM in Boise to adopt two mustangs to train for the Veterans program. Cyndie states that these mustangs will be a mirror for those struggling with PTSD and trust issues, as you have to be black or white when working with mustangs. There is no gray. Running W already has a fantastic mustang in their program, Boaz, who many of us were able to meet last summer at our Region 9 conference. Cyndie says that a young girl named Tracy who rides Boaz in the hippotherapy program, is doing so well using her whole body to ride. She has Arthrogryposis and Boaz’s wonderful movement and calm temperament is helping her make amazing strides.

seniors and saddles(Left) Senior citizens on their way to the Seniors and Saddle program at Running W Therapeutic Riding Center

 Another great program at Running W is the Seniors and Saddles, I remember when… program. Assisted Living centers in the area bring their residents to a pre arranged 2 hour class where they can interact with the horses on the ground. They have close to 25 participants who come to visit and almost all of them will start with “I remember when…” and then they will tell you their story and are transported back to that special moment in their lives when horses were a part of it. It makes them so happy! They are then treated to a BBQ to continue to socialize and share their special stories.

Running W Seniors and Saddles participants visiting with a new friend!

seniors and saddles1











Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equestrian Center: Natalie, Bob Woodruff, arena improvements, goodbye Tim

Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equestrian Center has had a very exciting few months! They announce the addition of Rocky Mountain College graduate and PATH Int’l. Certified instructor, Natalie Sheffer to the team. Natalie completed her summer internship with them this past summer and proved herself as a great fit for their team. They are very excited to see how they can utilize her experience to help them better their program.

Swiftsure just finished up with a successful fund raising event, specifically for growth of their Veterans program. It was a fun evening with ABC reporter Bob Woodruff and his wife Lee as they spoke about their experiences after Bob was hit by a roadside bomb in Iraq. Bob and Lee have created the Bob Woodruff foundation to insure that our injured service members are given the opportunity to thrive in life after service. Lee also joined us for a morning coffee talk as the wife dealing with the ups and downs the family went through – inspirational to say the least!

After 2 years of fundraising, planning and execution, Swiftsure’s previously covered outdoor arena is now FULLY ENCLOSED and in use! They now have the largest building in the county on their property giving them the ability to hold up to 4 – 7 lessons at one time indoors (with both arenas). They would like to THANK all of their generous donors for supporting this project!

With heavy hearts, Swiftsure is announcing the departure of their long time Ranch Manager, Tim Bennett, and would like to thank him for his dedication to not only the ranch but also their program and mission. They are happy to announce tha current Facilities Assistant, Salvador Ruiz, will be taking on the responsibilities of this role.

Swiftsure is looking forward to hosting the Idaho State Conference on May 5th!

Montana - Stephanie Richardson, State Chair

Message from Stephanie Richardson, Montana State Chair

With the ground thawing and the snow melting in Montana, we are gearing up for the Montana State Meeting. We will be joining together June 1 and 2, 2018 at Eagle Mount in Bozeman. Friday night is a social time to get to know other and enjoy everyone's company. Saturday will be focused on education. Your Montana state task force is looking forward to bringing everyone together. Keep an eye out for registration.

Please keep in touch Montana! We are an amazing state with exceptionally talented people that love our horses very much. Looking forward to connecting with everyone!

Sense-Ability School and Eagle Mount-Great Falls Join Forces

sense abilityBoth children and adults who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and faced every day, even every minute, with sensory struggles, problems with communication—both verbal and nonverbal, repetitive behaviors, fears and compulsions. As one person with ASD put it: Autism feels awful. Adults can’t hold down jobs or have normal relationships; children fail at school and have no friends. Specialized schools have been created to help children receive education in a therapeutic setting where they learn the usual academics but also how to cope in a world that doesn’t understand them. One such school has recently opened its doors in Montana – Sense-Ability School in Great Falls. A group of committed people are dedicated to bringing options and hope to families touched by ASD.

Research has found that the wonderful world of horses can contribute a new world to folks with autism. With that in mind, Sense-Ability School has partnered with Great Falls Eagle Mount to include equine therapy in the school curriculum. Using the triangular treatment team model, the horse, the equine specialist and the mental health therapist partner together to provide a safe learning environment which is specialized to the specific needs of each child.

Children have the opportunity to build relationships with horses— enjoying acceptance from these gentle giants; acceptance is something they often do not experience outside of their own homes. They learn to tolerate sensory stimulation; they learn to tolerate sights, sounds, and smells of the arena. They face their fears in a safe environment. They learn to recognize the boundaries the horses set and how to set their own. They develop balance and coordination while riding. They learn to focus on their environment learning mindfulness skills. They learn about body language and to speak up for their needs. They learn about health and self-care by learning about horse health. They learn new skills which are often scary, and they learn to keep themselves safe while looking out for the safety of others.

We have seen “Mary” tolerate the smell of horse manure. We have seen “Johnny” stand patiently until the horse turned and invited him to come closer, and standing patiently was something he had little success doing previously. “Bobby” learned about sitting up straight and balancing with his arms outstretched as he rode around the arena. “Susan” got to lay her head against the horses belly and listen to the mysterious sounds of the inside of the horse. “Andrew” got to not only learn to halter the horse but to lead her around the arena. “Phillip” got to see horses set boundaries with each other. “Karen” learned it is just fine to speak up and say she was afraid.

Sense-Ability and Eagle Mount-Great Falls are excited to be able to create this learning environment. Our goal is that these children learn in an environment where they are happy and are successful to their full potential. We want to see them grow up to contribute their unique talents and gifts to their community. Our world needs what these kids have to offer, and we want to help them see their possibilities and be all they can be. To learn more about this program, call Sense-Ability School at 406-952-0281.

Oregon - Amanda Garrison, State Chair

Message from Amanda Garrison, Oregon State Chair

The Oregon State Meeting is scheduled for June 1st in Bend at Healing Reins. Please contact Oregon State Chair, Amanda Garrison at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Polly Cohen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in presenting or if there is something specific you would like to see!

Recently, Senate Bill 1533 and House Bill 4100 passed, allowing equine assisted activities and therapy centers in Oregon to do hippotherapy and equine facilitated psychotherapy on Exclusive Farm Use land, even if the client is not in direct contact with the equine during the entire session. This clarifies vague laws that were restricting client services at centers. Now we can continue to expand programs and better serve our communities.

Healing Reins

(Left) A rainbow “sign.” Healing Reins has started a collaboration with Treehouse Therapies Associate, with a farm clinic onsite at Healing Reins. With the barn on the left and the clinic on the right mere steps away from each other, this is therapeutic services at its best.

(Right) Hollie and Hope participate in Dr. Seuss week at Healing Reins

healing reinscat in hat













forward stride

 Forward Stride

Forward Stride welcomed a new member into their herd, a Haflinger gelding named Bennie. With his extensive driving experience, Bennie will help Forward Stride move forward with adding a carriage driving program.

Forward Stride’s Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy program added a 10 week Women’s Trauma Group. This group will provide support, aid in trauma processing, and promote healing in a safe group environment.

Forward Stride just hosted a very successful auction and gala. It was their most successful event yet. The event was also attended by Oregon Governor, Kate Brown. 


Washington - Teresa Bron, East WA State Chair, West WA State Chair Devon Stone

Message from Teresa Bron, Eastern WA State Chair:

I will be contacting centers to visit them whenever I’m in the area. We have also added Devon Stone from Little Bit to help with the western side of the state as the western State Chair. Hopefully this will help us to reach out to everyone in our PATH Intl. centers in the State of Washington!

See you all in Ellensburg at Spirit Therapeutic on June 1 and 2, 2018 for our WA State Meeting,

Teresa Bron
Equine Coordinator/Instructor
Pegasus Project Yakima

New Indoor Area in Yakima

We have had a remodel to our indoor arena here at Pegasus Project in Yakima. We added an enclosed playroom for the kids, and the parents can sit in there to watch lessons as well. It’s heated so we can keep our parents and family members/ care givers more comfortable during the winter season. We had our annual Spurs fundraiser in January and we were very successful in raising funds again this year, so we have some nice projects planned ahead.

One of those projects is a Carriage Driving Demo this fall for people who are interested in becoming either an Able Bodied Whip for a therapeutic driving program or for drivers who may want to even get PATH Intl. certified.

Honoring Volunteers at Equest Special Riders

Equest Special Riders Inc. of Tacoma, WA has been in existence since 1982 and is our featured program in WA state for this newsletter. Here is a wonderful story of how they honor their volunteers:

Our program has been through many volunteers, horses and riders. For the last 4 years we have been celebrating our volunteers for all the time they’ve put in to volunteering at Equest Special Riders Inc. and to show them just how much we appreciate them.

On February 10, 2018, we celebrated 30 Volunteers (not all present) and 8 board members (also not all present) with a total of 2967 Hours volunteered for the 2017 year. Everyone receives a certificate no matter the amount of hours they have volunteered. We also give out items according to the bracket of hours that the volunteers fall under.

The top 3 volunteers with the most hours got a vest with our logo, their name and the year embroidered on it. Volunteers with anywhere between 1-25 hours receive a trophy and a key chain with our logo engraved on it. Volunteers in between those hours got beanies, hoodies or jackets according to their hours volunteered. The Vice President of the board presented the awards. We had at least 20 of our volunteers show up, some with family, to celebrate with food, beverages, beverages and reminiscing on the previous year. We plan to continue celebrating our volunteers every year so that they know we truly appreciate all their hard work.

Little Bit Starts New Literacy Program: Pages with Pete

little bitLittle Bit Therapeutic Riding Center is starting a new literacy therapy program! Pages with Pete will be led by Leslie Delorenzi, a licensed Speech Language Pathologist and licensed Dyslexia Therapist. The group will consist of pre-reading activities such as listening, rhyming, and syllable awareness. (Skills will be tailored to the needs of the group). This fun group will feature active play in the clinic and arena with Pete, our mini horse.

1. is developmentally at the age of 4 or 5 (but chronologically no older than 8 years old)
2. is able to sit and attend for 10-15 minute periods of time.
3. is able to follow directions and complete age-appropriate work, such as crafts, with some independence.
4. is able to appropriately engage with similarly-aged peers.

1. Listening skills
2. Rhyme recognition
3. Hearing words in sentences
4. Awareness of syllables


ainslieEnter the 2016 PATH Intl. Photo Contest and Win!

Win a free registration for the 2016 PATH Intl. Conference and Annual Meeting or other fabulous prizes

Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) is often asked to provide photos to print and online publications for publication in stories about equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT). In addition, we always need good photos for PATH Intl. publications, including PATH Intl. Strides, social media and the website.

Gain greater exposure for your center while seeing your photos in Strides, eNews and the website! (Pictured on right: Ainslie Alley who rides at SIRE, a PATH Intl. Premier Accredited Center in Hockley Texas, proudly displays the Strides magazine that featured her on the cover.)

So set your digital camera or phone at its highest resolution and take your best active photos of your center's riders, equines, volunteers and professionals. Show us your center's driving, interactive vaulting, group activities, teamwork and more! Be creative; there is no limiting your inner photographer.


Photos must be at least 300 dpi

Photos must be at least 4 x 6 inches. (Photos for the cover of Strides need to be 8.5 x 11 inches.)

Photos should be in .tif, .jpg, .eps or .pdf formats.

Photos must not be manipulated (no added frames, borders, filters, text, etc.).


Print, complete and sign an entry form to accompany each photo or video you submit.

Mail a CD or flashdrive of the photos with photo credit and a completed separate entry form for each, postmarked no later than June 30, 2016. Or email Cher Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Winners will be announced in PATH Intl. eNews in July!

Contest is open to PATH Intl. members and the staff and volunteers of PATH Intl. Member Centers. National headquarter PATH Intl. staff and their immediate families are not eligible for prizes. Disclaimer: All photos will be checked by the PATH Intl. technical specialist. Any photo not compliant with PATH Intl. standards will be disqualified.

Mail to:
PATH Intl. Photo Contest
Attn: Cher Smith
PO Box 33150
Denver, CO 80233

Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

2008-120Photo Releases

Photo releases are required for each photo submission.

The individual entering the PATH Intl. photo contest must sign the PATH Intl. photo release form.

In addition, if there are humans in your submitted photograph, there must be a release form submitted for each individual. Most PATH Intl. member centers keep a photo release on file for each participant, volunteer and staff member. If your release covers PATH Intl. promotional use of the submitted photo’s participants, staff or volunteers, please feel free to submit a copy of those forms with the entry. If your center does not keep a photo release file, please have all individuals pictured complete the PATH Intl. photo release form and include it with your entry form. Click here to download a photo release form.

If you are using a photo from a professional photographer, you will need permission to enter the photo and will need to note photo credit. The photographer will need to sign a photo release.





2016 International Conference registration (up to $725 value)

$25 gift certificate to PATH Intl. Pro Shop

Publication of photo on the cover of an upcoming issue of PATH Intl. Strides

Framed photo

Reserve Champion

$100 PATHBucks*

$25 gift certificate to PATH Intl. Pro Shop

Publication of photo

Framed photo

Honorable Mention

$25 gift certificate to PATH Intl. Pro Shop

Publication of photo

Framed photo

*PATHBucks are like receiving a gift certificate that can be applied to your association purchases, memberships or applications (center and individual), PATH Intl. educational materials, including videos and online courses, and PATH Intl. conference registrations (international and regional).

Quality Assurance

The PATH Intl. Quality Assurance Task Force, assembled to address professional ethics, professional discipline, conflicts of interest, grievances, and appeals to determine and implement best practices in testing and training, in association governance and in the stewardship of our members, announces a new grievance filing process.

The policy states PATH Intl. Members will be subject to a fair and reasonable disciplinary and expulsion procedure to be carried out in good faith, effective January 1, 2015.

Questions should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., PATH Intl. Membership Manager.

PATH Intl. Review Panel

The PATH Intl. Grievance Review Panel is being established. Questions should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., PATH Intl. Membership Manager.

PATH Intl Grievance Review Panel Purpose

The review panel will implement policies and procedures with respect to grievances against PATH Intl. members, certificants, evaluators, site visitors, faculty, instructors, mentors and member centers. The panel will be responsible for the review and resolution of grievances. Resolution may include disciplinary action including termination of membership, removal of certification and removal of accreditation or removal of accreditation subject to the right to appeal the panel’s decision.

PATH Intl. Grievance Review Panel Composition

The panel will be made up of three to five members: a Chair appointed by the President of the PATH Intl. Board of Trustees, at least one individual member who holds certification from PATH Intl., and at least one representative of a PATH Intl. Premier Accredited Center. A PATH Intl. staff member will be a non-voting member of the committee. PATH Intl. legal counsel will be consulted as necessary.

Process for Filing Grievances

Who may file a grievance?

Grievances may be filed by a member of the public, a member center member, a site visitor, faculty, evaluator, certificants, mentors or an individual PATH Intl. member. Complainants must have firsthand knowledge of the grievance issue. In situations where there is a legal or licensing agency action that could be considered a violation of the Code of Ethics, the Chair of the Grievance Review Panel may file a grievance on behalf of PATH Intl.

Against whom may grievances be filed?

PATH Intl. members, member centers, instructors, certificants, site visitors, evaluators, mentors and faculty.

What is a grievance?

Grievances are violations of the PATH Intl. Code of Ethics or a PATH Intl. Standard as adopted by the PATH Intl. Board of Trustees from time to time.  

What is not a grievance?

Hearsay, employer/employee disputes, and grievances against nonmembers or nonmember centers.

How to file a grievance

Grievances must be submitted in writing, signed by the complainant and must use the official grievance form found here. A form may also be requested by writing, emailing, or calling the PATH Intl. office. Grievance forms may be sent to the office by email or by mail. Additional information may be requested by the Grievance Review Panel in order to investigate the grievance. The email or outer envelope shall be marked “Confidential – Grievance.” The address and email for submitting a grievance is located on the grievance form. Supplemental information may also be sent in addition to the official grievance form.  

Who will process a grievance?

Grievances will be received by PATH Intl. staff, logged and reviewed for completeness. Once this process is completed, the grievance will be forwarded to the Grievance Review Panel assigned by the President of the PATH Intl. Board of Trustees.


The PATH Intl. office will send a written acknowledgement of receipt of the grievance form within 10 business days. Additional acknowledgement will be sent from the Grievance Review Panel upon resolution of the matter.



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equisure headercrop

Therapeutic RidingTherapeutic DrivingInteractive VaultingEquine Services for HeroesEFP-EFL

Additional Sponsors

AdequanEQUUS FoundationMarkel Insurance CompanyCavalloRIDE TV