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May 2017
The First PATH Intl. Virtual Conference a Success

Denver—It's official. The first ever PATH Intl. Virtual Conference is in the books and was a tremendous success. More than 200 people participated in the online event, held May 17-18, including several non-members, and 24 centers.

One popular feature was the ability to chat with other session attendees and the presenter. One attendee said, "It was far more interactive than I expected. The initial greetings from all across the country were wonderful!"

"Absolutely beneficial in so many ways. The information was so helpful, and the convenience
of being able to 
do it from wherever is invaluable."

The virtual conference consisted of 10 total hour-long educational sessions delivered over two days. Sessions were presented by industry experts, such as Joelle Devlin, who presented on advancing instructor skills in order to best serve center participants, and Michael Kaufmann, who gave practical advice about program sustainability. Speakers from outside the equine-assisted activities and therapies field also presented, such as Dr. Sandra Friedman, who presented on autism spectrum disorder, and Dr. Aubrey Fine, who spoke on the human-animal bond.

"I am not able to attend national conferences very often or at all so this was a great resource
and help in 
allowing me to get some CEUs. The networking was also amazing."

The sessions were recorded and will be available for purchase individually soon. For a full listing of speakers and sessions, click here.

PATH Intl. is already working on next year’s virtual conference. Coming to a barn, couch or classroom near you.


About PATH Intl.
The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International® (PATH Intl.®) was formed in 1969 to promote safety and optimal outcomes in equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT) for individuals with special needs. At 877 member centers, more than 62,400 children and adults, including 5,500 veterans, may find improved health, wellness and a sense of pride, independence and fun through involvement with horses. Therapeutic horsemanship at member centers may include hippotherapy, equine-facilitated mental health, driving, interactive vaulting, trail riding, competition, ground work and stable management. Through a wide variety of educational resources, the association helps individuals start and maintain successful EAAT programs. There are nearly 55,000 volunteers, 4,846 instructors, 7,546 equines and thousands of contributors from all over the world helping people at PATH Intl. Member Centers.



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Therapeutic RidingTherapeutic DrivingInteractive VaultingEquine Services for HeroesEFP-EFL

Additional Sponsors

AdequanEQUUS FoundationMarkel Insurance CompanyCavalloRIDE TV