Many individuals volunteer to offer their talents to further the mission of PATH Intl. Some are involved in committees or task forces over several years; others volunteer for a project that may take days or weeks. All are of value to the success of the association. Beginning with this PATH Intl. eNews, we would like to highlight the efforts and accomplishments of our dedicated members. Toward the ongoing goal of helping centers and individuals understand the great value of their PATH Intl. membership, the Programs and Standards Committee would like to periodically highlight what a committee or task force has done that directly benefits our centers, professionals and the EAAT industry.

The Membership Outreach Committee (MOC) and Region Leadership Teams (RLT)

These two groups of your professional peers volunteer their time, talents, and experience to serve you as your local PATH Intl. boots on the ground.

The MOC is made up of the 11 Region Representatives who each head up their Region’s Leadership Team. Each team is comprised of:

  • Region Representative
  • One state/area chair for each state/area within the boundaries of each region
  • Region Conference Task Force Chair
  • Communication Chair
  • Treasurer

The services and benefits these teams provide our members and centers Include:

Member/Center Support:
Facilitate networking and continuing education through a wide variety of activities at the regional, state and local levels, including but not limited to:

  • Organize region conferences, state meetings, & events, to provide education, networking opportunities, & outreach to attendees.
  • Facilitate the sharing of CE opportunities and resources for professionals and centers.
  • Promote regional membership involvement for proposed standards.

Member/Center Outreach

  • Facilitate ongoing communication, interactions, and the exchange of ideas between members and centers.
  • Reach out to centers and members to learn about and communicate the member and centers needs and suggestions to the PATH Intl. staff.
  • Connect with new members and lapsed members (centers and individuals).
  • Provide information and guidance to potential individual and/or center members.

General Public Outreach to support our industry, centers, & certified professionals
Within each state/area, identify & facilitate strategic opportunities for education and marketing to the general public including potential:

Health and education professionals
Sources for donations of equines

To get involved, get help, or to learn more about what is happening in your region, go to the Locate My Region page: 



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Therapeutic RidingTherapeutic DrivingInteractive VaultingEquine Services for HeroesEFP-EFL

Additional Sponsors

AdequanEQUUS FoundationMarkel Insurance CompanyCavalloRIDE TV